One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249

developmental and regenerative sciences

DRS Seminars

All DRS Seminars are held at noon (12pm) on the UTSA Main Campus in the Biosciences Building (BSB), Loeffler Room (3.03.02).

August 26, 2024
A mysterious TULIP in the black-legged tick I. scapularis
Olivia Shi, UTSA DRS PhD Student
Department Host: Dr. Robert Renthal
September 2, 2024
No Seminar
Labor Day Holiday
September 9, 2024
Epigenetic regulation of alternative polyadenylation
Dr. Angela Ting, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department Host: Dr. Alexey Soshnev
September 16, 2024
Bioengineering an Ovarian Microenvironment Informed by the Human Ovary BioMolecular Atlas
Dr. Monica Laronda, Lurie Children's Hospital & Northwestern University
Department Host: Dr. Hu-Huey Lin (NDRB Postdoc) & Dr. John McCarrey
September 23, 2024
Can we restore hearing by reprogramming the cochlea?
Dr. Andy Groves, Baylor College of Medicine
Department Host: Dr. Marina Silviera
September 30, 2024
Role of DNA Methylation in Obesity and Energy Expenditure in Hispanic Children
Chris Serrano, UTSA DRS PhD Student
Department Host: Dr. Melanie Carless
October 7, 2024
Drug transporters from the sea: what marine animal models teach us about xenobiotic accumulation and early life exposures
Dr. Amro Hamdoun, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego
Department Host: Dr. George Perry
October 14, 2024
Deciphering the chemical basis for low-complexity domain self-association: a human genetics-guided approach
Dr. Glen Liszczak, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Department Host: Dr. Alexey Soshnev
October 21, 2024
Unraveling the Functional Role of Testicular Peritubular Macrophages Using the Acute MEHP Exposure Model in Pubertal Rats
Dr. John Richburg, UT Austin
Department Host: Dr. Brian Hermann
October 28, 2024
Cell-Intrinsic and Non-Cell-Intrinsic Regulation of Meiosis in Mouse
Dr. Devanshi Jain, Rutgers University
Department Host: Dr. Jeffrey Vedanayagam
November 4, 2024
Intergenerational effects of paternal preconception exposure to cannabinoids
Dr. Susan Murphy, Duke University
Department Host: Dr. Melanie Carless
November 11, 2024
Intergenerational epigenetic inheritance of cancer risk
Dr. Bluma Lesch, Yale University
Department Host: Dr. John McCarrey
November 18, 2024
Transporter-Mediated Cellular Incorporation of Steroid Hormones – Lessons from Fruit Fly Research
Dr. Naoki Yamanaka, UC Riverside
Department Host: Dr. Lacy Barton
November 25, 2024
Artificial Intelligence pipeline for dissection of tissue microenvironments using spatial transcriptomics
Dr. Mario Flores, UTSA Depts. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
Department Host: Dr. Brian Hermann
December 2, 2024
Chromatin mechanisms and genome maintenance functions of histone code writers
Dr. Brian Strahl, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department Host: Dustin Fetch (UTSA DRS Student) & Dr. Alexy Soshnev