One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249

developmental and regenerative sciences

Cell Biology
Research Program at UTSA

Welcome to the University of Texas at San Antonio’s (UTSA) Cell Biology Research Program, a core pathway in our esteemed Developmental & Regenerative Sciences (DRS) PhD program within the College of Sciences. We are committed to expanding the frontiers of knowledge on the fundamental units of life—cells.

Overview of Cell Biology Research

Our Cell Biology Research Program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate world of cells—the basic building blocks of all living organisms. Covering a vast array of topics such as cell structure, cell cycle, signaling pathways, and cellular differentiation, our curriculum prepares students to tackle critical questions in cell biology.

Exciting Research Opportunities

At UTSA, we are at the forefront of cell biology research. Under the guidance of our renowned faculty, students engage in groundbreaking research projects, utilizing cutting-edge methodologies and technologies including advanced imaging techniques. Our research interests span from cellular dynamics and cell signaling to stem cell biology and cellular pathology, enriching the field of cell biology with fresh insights.

Our Cell Biology Research Program boasts modern research facilities, equipped with advanced microscopy and cell culture systems. These resources, combined with a collaborative academic environment, facilitate significant discoveries and provide transformative learning experiences in cell biology research.

Future Careers Outlook

Graduates from our Cell Biology Research Program find themselves well-prepared for a range of careers. With a DRS PhD in hand, our alumni have made strides in academia, biomedical research, biotechnology companies, the pharmaceutical industry, and more. At UTSA, we’re not just educating students; we’re shaping future leaders in cell biology.

Elevate your Education at UTSA

Embarking on your journey with UTSA’s Cell Biology Research Program means joining a vibrant community of researchers, passionate about unraveling the secrets of life at the cellular level. We invite you to be part of this exciting endeavor, contributing to advancements in cell biology research.

Take the first step toward a promising career in cell biology. Apply to UTSA’s DRS PhD program today and contribute to the exciting field of cell biology research.